Beware the Trap of Powers

Beware the Trap of Powers

The Reverend had been doing healing for many years.   As his faith grew, so did the power to heal. He would feel for the darkness within the wretched Soul in front of him and open himself up to his God, and with a resounding moment of intention, the healing would occur. The blind could see, and the cripple could walk again.   This archetype of the faith healer is ancient.   Long before sweet Jesus turned water into wine, the ancient shamans and earth mothers would allow the Love of The One True God to move through them to relieve suffering and perform miracles.

As is the case, as the reverend manifested more powerful miracles and impressive feats of healing, his once pure faith and absolute emptiness, which had allowed his God’s Love to heal, became befouled; the pristine beauty of his faith tainted with the reverend’s self-aggrandizement at his ability to heal. Yes, he still spoke the words and went through the motions of a hollow bone for God’s love, but the channel was no longer clear. Each time he would prepare for the miracle, he would mouth the words of surrender, all the while being aware of those watching him, desiring their awe and praise.

Soon, the healing was about the ego and not surrendering, an unsustainable state.  Using his own life force instead of acting as a conduit for God’s love, this once beautiful and loving being became severely ill—a sorry state.

As one practices the teachings and begins to expand beyond this grossest of physical planes, we become open to many gifts/powers: To see past lives or the future, to perceive and adjust the energies that move through a body, to perceive sickness, and to heal from a distance, to levitate, compress time, and transmute.  These powers are wonderous and, when allowed to pass through us with humility, can alleviate significant suffering in this world.  Far too often, these powers are presented to individuals who forget the source and begin to identify with them.  They only desire to impress and impose them upon the world around us.  When one begins to see past lives, all we want to do is show people what we know, whether they need to know it or not.  When we learn to move energy, we desire to move the energies of people around us, whether they need it or not.   As our personal energy clarifies and increases, we become more attractive.  People with lower energy levels are always attracted to those at a higher level. It is natural. And in practically no time has the humble seeker become the teacher. Just enough powers to sway the masses and sustain the illusion of wisdom.  A great teacher once deemed these folks philosopher charlatans.   They understand the theory, talk the talk, and might have even walked the walk for a bit, but now, in their pretense, they only create havoc and injury to the souls attracted to them.

As healers and teachers, a caution to all of you: Remember that the healing happens IN SPITE of you, not because of you.

Continue to do the work,  empty yourself of all preconceptions of healing and what this person in front of you might need. Let Spirit coordinate your entire gestalt of knowledge, ability, and faith so that the individuals before you will receive what they need.