On Gender

On Gender

There are two primary forces involved when wishing to understand gender.   Nature is what we were born with, and nurture is the environmental factors that shape our development, such as education, culture, and relationships.

The Nature of Gender

Have you ever noticed that the true angels (not the perverted chubby toddlers of the Renaissance) are portrayed as androgynous?

The purpose of our lives is to evolve.  To become the best we can and to support those around us on the same journey.  One step on this journey is to embrace the masculine and the feminine to the point where they meld into one: A dissolution of the dialectic of gender into something far more loving, powerful, and capable of assisting in the evolution of all sentient beings.  Might we say “angel?”

Souls are inherently eternal and genderless; however, they may incarnate as different genders across different lifetimes depending on the needed lessons.  For most, the gender of the soul that enters the unborn is aligned with the biological sex.  Less frequently, the soul will be the opposite of the biological.  Some older souls, who have been doing the work of evolution for many lifetimes, may have a “split” soul where both masculine and feminine exist within the same person, two distinct pieces of a single soul given the purpose in this lifetime to fully merge.   The highest evolved souls that incarnate as humans are those that have fully merged feminine and masculine and are now their inherent genderless form, empowered by, yet undefined by, the full spectrum of masculine and feminine.

Practically speaking,  we have all had the experience of our classic heterosexuals.  These individuals get to happily trounce through life with absolute clarity and alignment between genetics and soul. They have no questions about their gender and significant difficulty understanding how it could be any other way.   Their purpose in this life is to live as “God intended.”  Men are men, and women are women: To understand and embrace the qualities of their assigned sex without ambiguity.

However, for the rest of us, life may not be as easy as that of our hetero brothers and sisters; our roles not so easily defined.  When the soul is the opposite gender of the genetics, we are given the opportunity to begin the unification of masculinity and femininity on a soul level.  Finding a way to make peace with what might appear to be opposing positions is one of the great gifts of creation.  As difficult as it may be,  you are blessed!

For those folks with a “split soul,” one that has both masculine and feminine aspects, their evolutionary work is not so much focused on the soul’s relationship with the biological but on finding a way to integrate these two pieces of their soul to work with each other to serve the evolution of this world best regardless of there biological identity.

As to those fully blended genderless souls that manifest in human form, they may be found as gurus on tops of mountains, street beggars,  homemakers, or  CEOs.    Regardless of the form,  they are here in full service.  If you pay attention,  you will know them.

So, to be very clear, there are only a few combinations of soul gender and biological sex.   You have either the same, the opposite, both, or neither. With this understanding and a little bit of flexibility, the myriad of LGBQT+ distinctions may be understood and appreciated.

The discussion above is a clear, spiritual understanding of the nature aspect of Gender.  What you get in this lifetime is immutable.  Genes and Souls do not change during a single incarnation.

The Nurture of Gender  

Carl Jung understood that the qualities of the archetypes of feminine and masculine are universal and, regardless of Soul and biological sex, exist simultaneously in all things.  The most vigorous oak tree,  typically associated with life and fertility (feminine qualities), also provides protection and strength (masculine traits).  Water, associated with fluidity, nourishment, and emotion (feminine), is also capable of great destruction and power (masculine). The Yin Yang symbol represents this perfectly; within every yin (feminine) will be a Yang (masculine) component, and vice versa.

The extent to which these archetypes appear in our personality and behavior depends on the distorted beliefs about gender that we have adopted throughout our lives. The more we are willing to move beyond these beliefs, the more flexible “plastic” we become in accessing and using these archetypical energies in our lives.

This plasticity of the Nurture aspect of Gender may act as both an amplifier or attenuator upon the immutable Nature aspect of Gender.  An individual’s degree of acceptance of the archetypes of male and female will directly influence the manifestation of Gender in their life.  Thus, although there are only four distinct combinations of Soul and biological gender,  the overlay of the nurture aspect of gender fully describes the full spectrum of Gender identity and its expression.

As we approach extinction, the urgency for our species to evolve from the current destructive masculine-driven paradigm into a state of understanding that supports survival intensifies.  The integration of masculine and feminine qualities is crucial to this understanding. Observing the state of our world, it is clear that this evolved understanding does not exist in the adult population. Instead, this formidable burden of our survival falls to our children and teens.

By bringing in a generation of children and teens willing to do the work of accepting and integrating feminine and masculine, The One True God is cultivating a group of individuals with full access to their potential.  Motivated by the compassion and understanding gained from this integration, our next generation WILL be our survival.

We, as parents and guardians of these young saviors, need to create a reality where this divine work of the integration of masculine and feminine into truly balanced human beings can occur.

As of late, concerns about how to deal with this generation of gender-fluid individuals have increased, ranging from bizarre and draconian reeducation camps to unfettered hormonal and surgical interventions.

As usual, the ruling adult class is missing the point!   These young gender warriors are not sick.  Social media are not misleading them; they do not need reeducation, nor do they need medical treatments.   What they need is education, acceptance, and the space to explore the powers of the feminine and masculine to their fullest.   If you want to send them to camp, send them to gender camp where they can fully immerse into both their Natural and Nurtured Gender inclinations.   If a biological woman is born with a male soul and/or strongly influenced by male beliefs, then let them explore that to its fullest.  Let them not have to hide or feel shame but embrace the awesome qualities of strength, focus, and ability to manifest of the masculine. If a biological male has a feminine soul and/or is strongly influenced by feminine beliefs, let them dive into the deepest of oceans of love, surrender, compassion, creativity, and receptivity.

Given this level of freedom and education, the need for and pressure to make changes to the physical will be significantly reduced.  Breasts and genital manipulations,  puberty blockers, and hormonal treatments are the most insignificant, least helpful, and counterproductive of interventions for an individual wishing to integrate the indeed God-given gifts of having both feminine and masculine in one being.   When an individual goes to all that effort to make a biological body reflect their soul gender, they do an incredible disservice to the creator who, in their infinite wisdom, has given these individuals the key to peace and harmony in this world.    If you have trouble with either the soul or the body, that is where the work is. Learning to love ALL of yourself IS the journey.   Once you have recognized and embraced the power of all your aspects,  soul and biologic, then, and only then, if it is right, good, and within the will of  THE ONE TRUE GOD, have fun playing with altering your external.

In summary. 

All humans have a core Gender composed of biological and soul components.  This aspect of Gender is immutable.   Overlying this core Gender are the filters of all the societal, environmental, cultural, and parental beliefs we have taken on with regard to Gender.  The result is the full spectrum of Gender identities.

The purpose of life is to evolve.  One step in this evolution is the blending and acceptance of the masculine and feminine in all of us, in all their manifestations; it is only through this integration that our species will survive.